Topical Collection on "Rare Animals Diversity, Conservation and Biodiversity Monitoring in Tropical and Subtropical Limestone Area"
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 October 2024
Collection Editor:
Prof. Dr. Jiang Zhou
Guizhou Normal University, China
Interests: behavior ecology; zoological ecology; systematic evolution; taxonomy of mammals
Topical Collection Information:
Dear Colleagues,
As the known, in southern and eastern of Asia, the mountains area was the refuge for the organisms in northern hemisphere, included the plants and animals, so the biodiversity or the species diversity was help us to understand the adaptation relationship between the animals and the natural habitat. It is very important to describe and introduce the rare or endangered species in this area, especially in the limestone area, because it is an unique ecosystem in the tropical and subtropical area of the world. Through this topic, it is the great work that help us to know what is the speciation process,how did the species dispersal,how did the species adapted in this environment.Meanwhile,it would be the great help to know what factor impact the endangered species, what need to do for the conservation biological work.As so far,there was the few work on this topic, so it need to know the endangered animal species survive status in the limestone area,include all taxons, especially for the bats, the rodents, the insects etc., because these animals play the key role in this ecosystem, and the cave dwelling animals, because these animals could explain how the geological events and changes influenced the animals species formation, such as: cave fishes, cave invertebrates etc.
Prof. Dr. Jiang Zhou
Collection Editor
- Animals
- Diversity
- Adaptation
- Speciation
- Conservation
- Ecosystem
- Monitoring