An Exploration on Undertaking Commercial Projects in School-Enterprise Cooperation from the Perspective of Applied Talents Cultivation


  • Nadi Wei Huihua College of Hebei Normal University
  • Shiliang Wei Heibei Normal University
  • Zaichao Duan Huihua College of Hebei Normal University
  • Jiyue Dong Zhongrong Huaxin International Smart Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (Heibei Branch)



With the vibrant growth of IT and strong encouragement from the "Internet Plus" policy, China's craving for high-end IT talents has been aroused to another high level. With norms in IT talents requirement become more diverse and demanding, IT talents are pushed to embody both solid theoretical software knowledge and high capability in practice. All of these make it an extremely urgent task for strengthening applied talents with their practice capability in commercial projects. This paper, based on cultivating applied talents and by exemplifying the applied IT major in one university in H province, reinforced educational and cultivating reform, explored the undertaking of commercial projects in school-enterprise cooperation and contemplated the mode construction of applied talents cultivation to raise the cultivation quality and employment of applied talents in universities, effectively enhance the commercial value of education as well as its capability in serving local economy and finally achieve the goal of intensifying the link of talents cultivation through practice. 


Commercial project; Talents cultivation practice; Cultivation of applied talents; School-Enterprise cooperation


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Article Type

Management Practice