Research on the Path of Constructing Foreign Discourse System——How to spread China’s Voice Well


  • Miao Zhang School of Marxism, Bohai University



In an important speech delivered at the 2018 National Propaganda and Ideological Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Tell Chinese stories well, spread China’s voices, and increase the national cultural soft power and influence of Chinese culture." National soft power is mainly manifested in the attractiveness of a country, and the improvement of national soft power is conducive to enhancing the international voice. All along, China's hard power and China's soft power development are very unbalanced. China's hard power has not yet been reflected in China's cultural soft power and cultural influence, so that it cannot display China's national image well. Although China has the confidence and self-confidence to tell a good Chinese story, under the environment of international public opinion that "the west is strong and China is weak", it dares not take the initiative to speak up and has been in a dilemma of "being scolded". One of the most important reasons is that China ’s international communication capabilities are not enough. In the current era of highly developed information technology, whoever has advanced communication methods and strong communication capabilities, whoever has the cultural ideas and values can spread out, and who can master the right to speak internationally, it can be said that if there is no effective communication channel, it will fall into the dilemma of "justification is nowhere to be said, and there is no way to spread it."


Foreign discourse; Path; International communication capabilities; International discourse rights


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Article Type

Review Article