The Influence of Anglicism on French Language——Enrichment or Danger


  • Lei Wang Special Police Unit of the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force
  • Huiwen Yuan Special Police Unit of the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force



The phenomenon of Anglicism is one of the hot linguistic topics which exists in almost every language in the world, especially in the French language. We look back to the history of English and French, and introduce the definition and classification of Anglicism. Considering the predominant place of the UK and the USA in many fields, the English language undoubtedly becomes Lingua franca in recent years.

In certain high-tech domains, there are some irreplaceable words or the words which can't be translated properly in the target language. In order to introduce relative concepts, we have to ask the original language for help. That's how the Anglicism appears. And since then, the Anglicism has grown rapidly.

By analyzing the history of the two languages, the origin of Anglicism and its development, we try to find out whether the phenomenon of Anglicism causes positive or negative effects for the French language.


Anglicism; Linguistic; Target language


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