On the Context Vein of “Competence” and Its Generating Mechanism-Based on the Perspective of Situational Learning Theory


  • Jianjun Zhang Qingdao University




“Key competence” has become a hot vocabulary in educational reform in recent years. However, the essential connotation and specific generation mechanism of “competence” as its basic concept are still far from clear, and often controversial due to vague expressions. The rise of the concept of “key competence undoubtedly originated in the West, but in the context of Chinese, its meaning has changed significantly.By analyzing the origin and evolution of the concept of “competence” in the Western social context and the concept from “quality to“competence”in the Chinese social context, we can deeply understand the essence of the concept of “competence”and further clarify the specific generation mechanism of “competence” and its relationship with education. Analyzing the formation of competence based on situational learning theory emphasizes the occurrence of competence through participation in situational activities, the development of learning courses and identity consultation, which can provide some inspiration for the formation of competence.


Competence; Social origin; Generation mechanism; Situational learning theory


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