New Practice of International Communication of Chinese Films under the Sight of “The Belt and Road”—— Taking the Film “Xuan Zang” as an Example


  • Dengyi Wang School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing Normal University



At present, “The Belt and Road” initiative has risen from the China initiative to an international consensus and has become a popular international public product and a high-profle international cooperation platform. As the soul of the “Belt and Road”, culture’s leading advantages can promote the all-round and multi-feld exchanges and cooperation between China and various countries along “The Belt and Road”. As an important carrier for spreading Chinese culture, domestic flms play an important role in further expanding the international communication practice of Chinese cultural influence. This paper takes the flm “Xuan Zang” as an example, explores the new international communication practices of domestic flms under the framework of “The Belt and Road”, sums up the new path of domestic flm international communication, and looks forward to the new opportunities and bright prospects of cooperation in the feld of flm and television art under the framework of “The Belt and Road”.


“The Belt and Road”; Domestic films; International communication


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Article Type

Review Article