The Development and Creation of Intelligent Systems in the next one hundred years
Today the intelligent systems are technological implemented as advanced machines [1] which have high perception, interaction and response to the real world being in much cases an extension of the reality, anticipating events,intertwining remote events, saving life and predicting preferences of human been [2,3] through of robust programming and electronic systems with high performance, optimization and design in operations where are required machines with an strong and complete interacting with the environment [2]; environment which also goes increasing until; in the very near future, to the ends of the Universe.
[1] J. Kacprzyk (Ed.) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Book Series,N. Y., USA.
[2] L. Richard (2010). “Machine Hearing: An Emerging Field: Exploratory DSP”. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. 27 (5): 131-139.
[3] T. Andranik (2001). “How do we think: modeling interactions of memory and thinking”.Cognitive Processing. 2: 117-151.
[4] Tang, Y. M.; Au, K. M.; Lau, H. C. W.; Ho, G. T. S.;Wu, C. H. (2020-12-01). “Evaluating the effectiveness of learning design with mixed reality (MR) in higher education”. Virtual Reality. 24 (4): 797-807.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-020-00427-9.
[5] Tang, Y. M.; Au, K. M.; Leung, Yohana (2018-11-22).“Comprehending products with mixed reality: Geometric relationships and creativity”. International Journal of Engineering Business Management.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1847979018809599.
[6] P. C. van Oorshot, (2021) Computer Security and the Internet: Tools and Jewels, Springer Nature, Switzerland.
[7] D. Guillies ,(1996) Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Method, Oxford University Press, UK.
[8] T. Grubic, J. Peppard, “Servitized manufacturing firms competing through remote monitoring technology: An exploratory study,” Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management,Vol. 27 Issue 2.
[9] Francisco Bulnes et al, (Ed.) Advances in Quantum Communication and Information, Intech, United Kingdom, 2020.
[10] Francisco Bulnes, Isaías Martínez, Omar Zamudio,Gabriel Negrete. Electronic Sensor Prototype to Detect and Measure Curvature Through Their Curvature Energy. Science Journal of Circuits,Systems and Signal Processing. Vol.4, No. 5, 2015, pp. 41-54.DOI:https://doi.org/10.11648/j.cssp.20150405.12
[11] Bulnes, F. (2013) Mathematical Nanotechnology:Quantum Field Intentionality. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 1, 25-44.DOI: https://doi.org/10.4236/jamp.2013.15005.
[12] F. Bulnes, Nanotechnology and Advanced Material Science, Nanotechnol Adv Mater Sci,Volume 2(2):1-4, 2019.
[13] F. Bulnes, A Mathematician Search for Technologies of Understanding the Universe, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, United Kingdom, 2020.