As cyber threats and attacks are immensely increasing and broadly spreading catastrophically worldwide, cyber security professionals need to cope up with such a highly demanding environment. Security teams, such as Security operation Centre (SOC), Incident Response (IR) and Threat management teams are the people responsible for dealing with cyber security threats and attacks from detection... More
This paper proposes algorithm for Increasing Virtual Machine Security Strategy in Cloud Computing computations. Imbalance between load and energy has been one of the disadvantages of old methods in providing server and hosting, so that if two virtual severs be active on a host and energy load be more on a host, it would... More
In the current time there is an important problem that is for a received linear or nonlinear binary sequence {zn} how we can find the nonlinear feedback shift register and its linear equivalent which generate this sequence. The linear orthogonal sequences, special M-Sequences, play a big role in these methods for solving this problem.... More
Today the intelligent systems are technological implemented as advanced machines [1] which have high perception, interaction and response to the real world being in much cases an extension of the reality, anticipating events,intertwining remote events, saving life and predicting preferences of human been [2,3] through of robust programming and electronic systems with high performance, optimization... More