Special Issue: Recent advancement of computational methods for tunneling and underground construction
The Introduction of the Special Issue
Journal of Architectural Environment & Structural Engineering Research (ISSN: 2630-5232(Online)) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to environmental management and mechanical engineering research. By providing a platform for academic dissemination, JAESER aims to promote research results and knowledge in natural and man-made environment management and mechanical engineering. It includes all topics of environment management and mechanical engineering branches. We develop this special issue around the theme of computational methods for tunneling and underground construction to highlight the critical importance of these topics for ongoing progress in geotechnical engineering. This special issue aims to introduce the latest development of computational methods and their applications in tunneling and underground space engineering. In particular, it showcases the advantages, characteristics, and shortcomings of these computational methods in solving problems of tunneling and underground space engineering. All included papers will be contributed by the domain experts in the corresponding field, which could provide guidelines for the potential users of these new computational methods and prospects for further development of computational methods for tunneling and underground space engineering. JAESER is now accepting manuscripts for a special issue on Recent advancement of computational methods for tunneling and underground construction.
The Research Scope of the Special Issue
- the numerical assessment of the stability of tunnels and other underground structure
- computational simulation and monitoring in mechanized tunneling
- numerical modeling and design of retaining structures
- optimizing of numerical methods for geotechnical engineering
- constitutive modeling and parameter selection of soft soils
- back analysis and inverse problems
- pipe jacking three-dimensional simulation
Submission Guidelines
- Register or log in:https://journals.bilpubgroup.com/index.php/jaeser
- For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be
sent to the Editorial Office, Email: jaeser@bilpublishing.com
- Paper format can refer to:https://journals.bilpubgroup.com/index.php/jaeser/author-guidelines
Important Dates:30, February, 2021.
Paper requirements:
Only original, innovative and novel papers will be considered for publication in the special issue and papers are published after the positive reviews of two reviewers and the approval of the Editorial Board. The special issue accepts manuscripts of three different types: original research papers and review papers.
- Original research paper: standard article, usually presenting new results; articles published under this type may also be referred to as Original Research, Original Article, Original Paper or Research Paper.
- Review Paper: Standard article, interpreting previously published results.
- Short Communications: Short Communications is a new section dedicated to short papers addressing new ideas, controversial opinions, “Negative” results and much more.
Lead Guest editor:
Jianyong Han, Lecturer
Shandong Jianzhu University, School of Civil Engineering
Email: hanjianyong19@sdjzu.edu.cn
Guest editor:
Yue Zhao, Research Assistant
Shandong Academy of Sciences
Email: zhyue_1991@126.com