Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Muslum Arici
Researcher ID Scopus ORCID
Affiliation: Kocaeli University, Turkey
Research Interests: mechanical engineering; energy; fluid mechanics;energy storage technologies; solar energy; advanced energy technologies; thermodynamics; heat and mass transfer; computational fluid dynamics; engineering and technology
Associate Editor
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ahmed Alghoul
Scopus ORCID
Affiliation: King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Research Interests: solar thermal; solar photovoltaics; building energy; energy-water nexus; energy meteorology
Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Yonggao Yin
Affiliation: Southeast University, China
Research Interests: built environment; renewable energy; air conditioning
Dr. Mehdi Shahrestani
Affiliation: University of Reading, United Kingdom
Research Interests: sustainability in infrastructure; intelligent buildings; fuzzy logic; indoor air quality and thermal comfort; decision making; smart energy systems
Dr. Humphrey Danso
Affiliation: University of Education, Winneba Ghana, Ghana
Research Interests: structural design; construction materials; construction management; computer application (cad) in construction
Dr. Alireza Joshaghani
Affiliation: Texas A&M University, United States
Research Interests: concrete; pavements; cementitious materials
Dr. Mohamed El-Amine Slimani
Affiliation: University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria
Research Interests: energy efficiency; heating & cooling; refrigeration, sustainability, energy conversion, conservation; management, energy conversion, conservation; management, heat & mass transfer
Prof. Dr. Dario De Domenico
Affiliation: University of Messina, Italy
Research Interests: structural engineering; earthquake engineering; structural control; dynamics of structures; mechanics of materials; concrete and composites
Dr. Amos Darko
Affiliation: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Research Interests: construction management green building; sustainable built environment; public-private partnerships; professional ethics (corruption) in construction; artificial intelligence application in construction
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cetin
Affiliation: Kastamonu University, Turkey
Research Interests:climatic comfort; geoinformatics gis; landscape physiology; land use planning; environmental monitoring; urban health and psychology
Prof. Dr. Antonio Formisano
Affiliation: University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Research Interests: seismic engineering; refurbishment; metal structures; robustness; life cycle assessment; green materials
Dr. António José Figueiredo
Affiliation: University of Aveiro, Portugal
Research Interests: energy efficiency; sustainability; sustainable built environment; passive house; evolutionary algorithms; geothermal systems
Dr. Jian-yong Han
Affiliation: Northeastern University, China
Research Interests: deep excavation, pile walls, ground anchor, tunnel excavation, structural stability, soil-structure interaction
Dr. Huaping Wang
Affiliation: Lanzhou University, China
Research Interests: structural health monitoring; optical fiber sensors; strain transfer analysis; vibration analysis; dynamic detection
Dr. Banu Manav
Affiliation: Kadir Has University, Turkey
Research Interests: lighting; color and perception; interior design application techniques
Dr. Yushi Liu
Affiliation: Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Research Interests: architectural environment; thermal energy storage; cement and concrete structures; building energy conservation
Dr. Rawaz M. S. Kurda
Affiliation: Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Research Interests: concrete; sustainability; life cycle assessment; mortar, optimization; construction demolition waste (e.g. recycled aggregates) and cementitious materials (e.g. fly ash)
Dr. Ahmed Elyamani Ali
Affiliation: Cairo University, Egypt
Research Interests: structural health monitoring; analysis of existing buildings; structural restoration intervention; architectural heritage conservation; re-use of historical structures;19th c. & 21.th c. architectural heritage
Dr. Yuekuan Zhou
Affiliation: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Research Interests: building energy system design and management; storage, conversions and control strategy; the energy sharing within the buildings, the electric vehicles and smart grids
Dr. Rabah Djedjig
Affiliation: University of Lorraine, France
Research Interests: building thermal energy; heat and mass transfer in building materials; building environment
Dr. Marco Di Ludovico
Affiliation: University Of Naples Federicoii, Italy
Research Interests: strengthening of existing structures; frp, frcm, frc; seismic fragility curves; experimental tests on structural members; repairability of structures; post earthquake damage
Dr. Yeong Huei Lee
Affiliation: Curtin University, Miri Sarawak, Malaysia
Research Interests: cold-formed steel structures; lightweight concrete; structural engineering; fire engineering
Dr. Marco Breccolotti
Affiliation: University of Perugia, Italy
Research Interests: RC structures; steel structures; recycled aggregate concretes; damage identification; vibrations
Dr. Manish Pandey
Affiliation: National Chung Hsing University Taiwan, Taiwan, Province of China
Research Interests: bridge scour; open channel hydraulics; hydraulic structures; river engineering; coastal hydraulics; sediment transport
Dr. Fadzli Mohamed Nazri
Affiliation: Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Research Interests: structural engineering; earthquake engineering; risk assessment; seismic engineering
Dr. You Dong
Affiliation: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Research Interests: structural engineering; reliability and risk; life-cycle;artificial intelligence
Dr. Fabrizio Scozzese
Affiliation: University of Camerino, Italy
Research Interests: structural engineering; seismic retrofit; steel/rc/masonry structures; seismic design; structural health monitoring; bridge engineering
Dr. Rahul V Ralegaonkar
Affiliation: VNIT, India
Research Interests: Sustainable Construction; Engineering; Energy Efficient Buildings
Prof. Dr. Hui Yao
Affiliation: Beijing University of Technology, China
Research Interests: construction materials; smart maintenance; artificial intelligence; numerical simulations; molecular dynamics
Dr. Jiazhen Zhang
Affiliation: University of Mons, Belgium.
Research Interests: urban planning; landscape architecture; urban development; urban design
Dr. Soheil Mohtaram
Affiliation: University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
Research Interests: energy; efficiency improvement; renewable energy; thermo-physics