Best Practices in Construction 4.0 – Catalysts of digital innovations (Part II)
The study examines corporate strategies from different angles, defines potential fields of application and works out existing empirical values and trends in the digitization process of the building sector. It highlights the unintended consequences of technological development and offers concrete practical approaches for responsible use. Using the qualitative research method, the study concludes that digital methods, such as BIM and Digital Twins, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can add value, significantly reduce resources and increase sustainability. The study is part of a larger primary research on Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) in Construction 4.0; it identifies, analyzes and systematically evaluates the pillars of a sustainable digital transformation, especially in the Construction Industry. The holistic, interdisciplinary view of this study aims to provide orientation for small to medium-sized companies (SMEs) developing their individual digital strategy. An outline of the necessary prerequisites but also design options, as they result from the evaluation of expert interviews and literature research, supports companies in the design of Construction 4.0 that is in-line with the needs of people, society and the environment and shaping more economically efficient building life cycles. Part II on Best Practices in Construction 4.0 follows up on the published Part I. It highlights that digital transformation has also reached the traditionally small-scale AEC industry (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) and catalyzes the variety of innovations.Keywords:
Digitization; AI; Digital Transformation; Best Practices; Smart Cities; Circular Economy; Cradle-to-Cradle; Construction 4.0References
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