Topical Collection on "Challenges in Smart Monitoring and Modeling of Hydrological and Urban Water Systems"
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 August 2024
Collection Editor:
Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens, 15236 Athens, Greece
Interests: hydrology; water resources management; urban water; machine learning; stochastic analysis
Research Institute for Water and Environment, University of Siegen, 57076 Siegen, Germany
Interests: urban flooding; flood risk; hydraulic structures; air-entrainment
Topical Collection Information:
Dear Colleagues,
The study of hydrosystems should involve a comprehensive understanding of the underlying physical processes, such as water flows and hydrological interactions. This necessitates modern, effective monitoring and modeling techniques, which incorporate various data sources, including videos capturing water flows (from fixed points, unmanned aerial vehicles, crowdsourcing, etc.), ultrasonic or microwave radar readings, satellite data, etc. While these new data sources require sophisticated algorithms for analysis or preprocessing, they also enable new approaches for the modeling of hydrosystems. A prominent example is artificial intelligence, which can contribute to both the analysis of raw data (e.g., video streams, satellite data, etc.) and the modeling. Noteworthy, these new approaches to monitoring and modeling of hydrological systems and urban water cycle systems involve specific peculiarities and challenges. This Topical Collection aims to highlight these challenges and provide guidance, tools, and solutions to address them.
Dr. Evangelos Rozos
Prof. Dr. Jorge Leandro
Collection Editors
- Hydrosystems
- Modelling
- Smart monitoring
- Artificial intelligence
- Data analysis
Published Papers:
Stochastic Analysis and Modeling of Velocity Observations in Turbulent Flows
by Evangelos Rozos, Jorge Leandro, Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Keywords: Smart modeling, Turbulent flows, Data analysis, Stochastic analysis, Image velocimetry