Methane and Hydrogen Storage in Metal Organic Frameworks: A Mini Review
The need for a net zero carbon emission future is imperative for environmental sustainability hence, intensive carbon fuels would need to be replaced with less carbon emitting energy sources such as natural gas till clean energy source such as hydrogen becomes commercialized. As a result, this mini review discusses the use of metal organic framework (MOF) for adsorption of methane and hydrogen in specially designed tanks for improved performance so as to increase their applicability. Herein, adsorption (delivery) capacity of selected high performing MOFs for methane and hydrogen storage were highlighted in reference to the targets set by United States Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) and Fuel Cells Technology Office. In this regard, specific design and chemistry of MOFs for improved methane and hydrogen adsorption were highlighted accordingly. In addition, an overview of computational and molecular studies of hypothetical MOFs was done - the various approaches used and their proficiency for construction of specific of crystalline structures and topologies were herewith discussed.
Methane; Hydrogen; Metal organic framework; Adsorption; Storage; ComputationalReferences
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