Achieving Sustainable Use and Management of Water Resources for Irrigation in Nigeria
Water resource is available in Nigeria to meet water demand for domestic, agricultural and industrial use. If well enhanced and protected from various source of pollution. However, less information is available on suitability of water resources for irrigation use in Nigeria. This article reviews literature of the past with regards to influence of geogenic and anthropogenic activities on water resource for irrigation purpose in Nigeria and also to explain the current state of suitability of water resource for irrigation studies in Nigeria and gaps in studies. It also summarizes future ways on water resource management and preventive measure for water resource pollution for irrigation use. Related articles were downloaded from Google scholar in water-related issues. This paper tends to review previous article on water resource in Nigeria, and its suitability for irrigation. The primary aim of this paper is to produce a synoptic overview of the water resources in Nigeria and its suitability for irrigation use. From paper reviewed it was observed that 89 % of water resources was considered suitable for irrigation.
Geogenic; Anthropogenic; Irrigation indices; Suitability and NigeriaReferences
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