Evaluation and Simulation of the Effect of the Types of Glazing and the Choice of Materials on the Energy Efficiency of a Building
Tunisia is one of the pioneering developing countries in terms of energyefficiency policy initiated since the mid-1980s. Indeed, energy efficiencyhas become one of the main pillars of the country’s energy strategy,especially with the increase in energy prices. The main objective of thiswork is to give an idea of the impact that certain choices made during thedesign of a building can have on its energy balance, namely the orientationof the facades, the types of glazing and their surfaces, the choice ofmaterials, etc. The calculation of the building’s energy requirement wasdetermined using the transient systems simulation program TRNSYS(version 18) with a modular structure.Keywords:
Energy efficiency; Energy requirement; Building; Orientation; Simulation; TRNSYSReferences
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