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Author Guidelines

Before submitting, please carefully review our author guidelines to ensure that your work meets the journal's standards. Following these guidelines will improve readability during the review process and help speed up the article review and proofreading process.

Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word. You can download the Manuscript Submission Template or Latex Template and Cover Letter to prepare your manuscript.


Submission Preparation Checklist 

As part of the submission process, authors are required to confirm their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published under another journal, or is currently under consideration for another journal.
  • The document(s) have been formatted according to the requirements under Author Guidelines. The placement of illustrations, figures, graphs, tables, and equations have been integrated into the main manuscript.
  • All necessary sections are included, such as an abstract, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references.
  • Manuscripts are confirmed to be written in clear and concise English, with proper grammar and punctuation.
  • All authors have appropriately considered the publication ethics, copyright, and other
    policies of our journal;
  • DOIs or URLs have been provided wherever possible in the Reference List.
  • Including a cover letter explaining the significance of your work and how it fits within the aims & scope of our journal.


Cover Letter 

All manuscript submissions should include a cover letter in a separate document that should include:

  • Names and affiliations of all authors (e.g., department, university, province/city/state, postal code, country).
  • Informed consent: confirming that written consent was obtained from all participants prior to submission of the article.
  • Ethics statement: If the currently submitted article Involves research with human or animal subjects, or involves pathology reports, etc., then the authors of the article will need to provide relevant materials for an appropriate ethics statement for all types of academic research.
  • Trial registration: e.g., name of trial registry, trial registration number.
  • Provide 3-5 highlights of your paper, which summarize the main findings and important conclusions of the research. These highlights should be presented in short bullet points and briefly describe the novelty and significance of the research.


Types of Articles 

The journal accepts many types of academic articles, including but not limited to Research article, Review article, Editorial, and Short communication.

Research Article: These are original research articles that report on the results of a study or experiment. They typically include an introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion section.

Word count: at least 4000, Abstract: up to 300 words

Review Article: These articles provide an overview and critical evaluation of existing research in a particular field. They may include a summary of the current state of the field, key findings, and potential future directions.

Word count: at least 3000, Abstract: up to 300 words

Editorial: These are opinion pieces written by members of the editorial board or invited experts. They may provide commentary on recent research, discuss emerging trends in the field, or highlight issues of interest to the journal's readership.

Word count: no more than 1000 words

Short communication: These are brief reports that present original research findings, typically in a condensed format. They may include a concise introduction, methods, results, and conclusion section.

Word count: no more than 3000 words


Preprints and Conference Papers


Our publisher permits authors to submit articles that have already been posted as preprints on non-commercial preprint servers and mandates the authors to disclose the preprint servers in the cover letter. The acceptance of submission does not automatically guarantee that the article will be sent out for review. It merely reflects our belief that journals should not dismiss the review of a paper solely because it has been previously available on a non-commercial server.

Authors are also allowed to upload the submitted version of a manuscript to non-commercial servers at any point. We urge authors to update their preprints with a link to the final published article once it becomes accessible. This practice helps ensure that readers can access the most current and accurate version of the article.

Conference Papers

Conference papers that are extensive and of excellent quality may be classified as articles under certain conditions:

  • The paper must be expanded to the length of a research article, which the word count need to reach 4000;
  • Authors must indicate in their cover letter that it is a conference paper and provide details on the modifications made from the original conference paper.
  • If the authors do not possess the copyright of the conference paper that was published, they must obtain permission from the copyright holder;


Main Manuscript

The following sections are not fixed and can be adjusted and modified according to different types of articles.

Article Title 

The title should be concise and reflect the key points of the content while capturing the reader's attention. It should be accurate, clear, and attractive, allowing readers to quickly understand the main content and significance of the article.

The title should not exceed 20 words.

Author Information


The complete first and last names of the authors must be provided. The initials of any middle names may be included.

At least one author should be designated as the corresponding author. The superscript * should be inserted after the corresponding author's name.

It is essential for all coauthors to come to a mutual agreement on the order in which they are listed, and each author must take responsibility for the content that is published.


Provide the full information of each affiliation, which the format should refer to:

Department, University, Province/City/State, Postal Code, Country

If one or all the authors are not currently affiliated with a university, institution or company, or have not been during the development of the manuscript, they should list themselves as an “Independent Researcher”. The affiliations should written:

Independent Researcher, Located Province/City/State, Postal Code, Country 

Emails and ORCID:

All Authors are strongly encouraged to provide their email address and ORCID information. In case you do not have an ORCID number yet, we kindly request you to register for one.


The abstract should provide a brief summary of the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the paper. It also should include the following three main aspects:

  • What scientific issue does this paperaim to tackle?
  • What is the research objective or importance of this paper?
  • What unique contributions does this paper bring in comparison to previous research?

It should be independent of the paper itself, a separate readable document that will gives the reader a comprehensive understanding of the paper. The word count of the abstract should also be limited to 300.


The manuscript should include 3-8 keywords after the abstract, separated by semicolons, avoiding words already used in the article title.

Section Headings

Headings at different levels should be numbered (e.g., 1, 1.1, 1.1.1) and use different formats to ensure clear distinctions between headings at different levels.


The introduction should highlight the significance of the research conducted, which should include the research background, research problem. In particular, it is necessary to add the comparison with the existing research and summarize the main purpose of this paper. The Key relevant previous publications should be rightly cited in order number in this part.

Materials and Methods 

This section should provide comprehensive information on the materials, study design, experimental procedures, and methods of data analysis used in the study. This detail provided allows readers to be able to replicate the study in the future. Authors should ensure that any references made to other research or experiments are clearly cited to provide adequate context.


A presentation of the findings of the study, including tables, graphs, and other visual aids. The results should not be discussed at length in this section. Alternatively, Results and Discussion can also be combined to a single section.


In this section, the results of the experiments conducted can be discussed in detail. Authors should discuss the direct and indirect implications of their findings, and also discuss the results in relation to the research objectives and literature review, as well as the implications of the findings for future research.


This section offers closure for the paper. An effective conclusion needs to sum up the main findings of the paper, and its implications for further research.

Author Contributions

Identify the specific contributions of each author in the current submission, from the design and concept generation at the beginning of the study to the final publication.

Conflict of Interest

Authors are obligated to disclose any potentially relevant conflicts of interest.

Demonstrate relevant scholarly and financial conflicts of interest to the journal, including (but not limited to):

  • Financial relationship conflict of interest - the need to articulate the extent of involvement of relevant potential financial organizations, advisory relationships, investors, etc. in the scholarly research;
  • Funding source conflict of interest - need to clarify the role and benefits received by the sponsor or financial supporter in the scholarship;
  • Personal, political, or collaborative relationship conflicts of interest - need to clarify the potential conflicts of interest that may arise from these types of relationships.

If the author has nothing to declare, it is encouraged to add to this section "There is no conflict of interest.".

For more detailed information, see the Journal Conflict of Interest.

Data Availability Statement 

In the data availability statement, authors should provide information about the availability of data and materials used in the study. It should include details about how and where to access the data, including any restrictions on access or use. The statement should be clear and concise, and should provide sufficient information for others to access and use the data. If the data is not publicly available, authors should explain why and describe any conditions or limitations on access.


In the funding section, authors should provide information on any sources of financial support for the research. This includes both external and internal funding sources. Authors should provide the full name of the funding agency, the grant number, and the name(s) of the author(s) who received the funding. If the research received no funding support, then authors should state this clearly in the funding section.


In this section, authors can express their gratitude to individuals, organizations, or institutions that have supported their work or provided helpful feedback. This section can also be used to acknowledge technical or administrative support and funding sources that were not directly involved in the research.


References should be written in English and conform to international academic norms, and it should be included as a separate page from the main manuscript. For manuscript sections where a specific source is cited, the superscript (i.e., [x]) should be included next to the cited text.

The [x] refers to the assigned number of the source under the reference list (e.g., [1], [2], [3]).

In the reference section, the corresponding source should be cited as:

[x] [Last Name] [First Initial]. Year Published.[Article Title]. [Journal Name]. [Volume]([Issue]): [Entire Page Range of Article]. Available from: [URL or DOI] [Accessed [Accessed Date]].

*Please notice that the order in which reference sources appear should follow the order in which they appear in the main manuscript.

Examples of references for different types of publications are as follows:


Pasha, A. K., Nur, M. S., Mozumder, S., & Parveen, M.,2023. Impact of River Water Quality on Public Health in Perspective of Asian Rivers: A Case Study of Buriganga River, Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences, 5(1), 1–16. DOI:


Ohlsen, M.M., 1988. Group counselling. Springer International Publishing: Switzerland. pp. 1–282.


Vivian, V.L. (editor), 1985. Child abuse and neglect: A medical community response. 1st AMA National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect; 1984 Mar 30–31; Chicago. Chicago: American Medical Association. p. 256.

(Author or institution (editor/editors). Year. Article Title (capitalize only the first word, except for special and proper nouns). Name of the conference (capitalize the first letter of all words); Date; Place. Location of the organizer: Organizer. p. Page number.)


Jones, D.L., 2001.The role of physical activity on the need for revision total knee arthroplasty in individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee [PhD thesis]. Pittsburgh (PA): University of Pittsburgh. p. 436.

(Author Name. [Bachelor's thesis; Master's thesis; PhD thesis]. Year. City: School name. p. Page.)


Blanco, E.E., Meade, J.C., Richards, W.D. (inventors), 1990. Surgical Stapling system. US patent. 4,969,591. 1990 Nov 13.

(Author Name (inventor/inventors), year. Patent name. National patent. Patent number. Date)


United States Geological Survey, 2019. Earth Explorer [Internet] [cited 2019 Apr 18]. Available from:

(Article Title [Internet]. Journal Title [Cited Time]. Available from)

Product brochure or description

Name of Manual/Handbook, xth ed. Name of Comp., City of Comp., State, Country, Month. Year, pp. xxx-xxx (pages if relevant). Accessed: Abbreviated Month, Day, Year. [Online]. Available from: site/path/file

Laws and regulations

Act Title Act type Act number [Internet]. Date of adoption [cited date cited] (Country). Available from: URL.

Digital Economy Act 2017 [Internet]. 2017 Apr 27 [cited 2021 Jan 13] (Great Britain). Available from:


Figures, Tables, and Equations 

Figures and Tables:

Figures and tables should be labeled immediately below the paragraph corresponding to the text and aligned with the center. Each data presentation type should be labeled as Figure or Table, and their order should be sequential and separate from each other.

Figures and tables should be high-resolution images. The preferred formats for all images are TIFF, PNG, GIF, and EPS. The font size of the content in each image is recommended to “Times New Roman 14 or 16”.


Equations should be centered and numbered in running order with their numbers in the bottom right corner parentheses. Equations need to be provided in editable text form rather than images.

*All figures, tables, and equations should be numbered and embedded in the main article.


Supplementary material

This section is optional and includes all materials and figures that have been excluded from the main manuscript. The supplementary material may encompass appendices, additional tables or figures, datasets, videos, and sound files, among other relevant content. Our journal encourages authors to submit supplementary material to complement and enrich their scientific research.

If your supplement contains figures, tables, or equations, authors should label each table and figure as follows:

Figure S1: [title]

Table S1: [title]

Equations should be centered and numbered sequentially, with their numbers placed in parentheses at the bottom right corner.

Any other pertinent datasets, videos, and sound files will also be incorporated in this section and appropriately hyperlinked.