Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Qiang Zhang
ORCID Scopus
Affiliation: Advanced Interdisciplinary Institute of Environment and Ecology, Beijing Normal University, China
Research Interests: Hydrometeorology; Droughts and floods; Hydrological statistics; Urbanization-induced climate changes
Dr. Jianhui Bai
ORCID Scopus
Affiliation: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: Atmospheric chemistry and photochemistry; Solar radiation; Ozone and biogenic volatile organic compounds
Associate Editors
Prof. Dr. R. Iestyn Woolway
ORCID Scopus
Affiliation: School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, UK
Research Interests: Earth system science and Climate change; Ocean Physics
Prof. Dr. Xihui Gu
ORCID Scopus
Affiliation: Department of Atmospheric Science, School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, China
Research Interests: Weather and climate extremes and their risk assessment; Climate change and carbon neutrality; Hydrological and climatic effects of urbanization; Physical models and deep learning
Dr. Alexander Kokhanovsky
ORCID Scopus
Affiliation: German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, D14473 Potsdam, Germany
Research Interests: Atmospheric remote sensing; Land remote sensing; Atmospheric optics
Academic Editor
Dr. Yisheng Zhang
ORCID Scopus
Affiliation: School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, China
Research Interests: Control of volatile organic compounds and ozone pollution; Atmospheric trace component monitoring and pollution tracing; Emission rules of vegetated volatile organic compounds and their influencing factors
Editorial Board Members
Prof. Dr. Peng Sun
Affiliation: School of Geography and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, China
Research Interests: Hydrometeorology; Droughts and floods; Urbanization-induced climate changes
Dr. Jun A. Zhang
Affiliation: NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Miami, United States
Research Interests: Hurricane boundary layer structure and dynamics, Turbulence observations, Air-sea interaction, Numerical modeling and physical parameterizations
Prof. Dr. Lucian Sfîcă
Affiliation: Department of Geography, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania
Research Interests: Meteorology and climatology, Climate change, Atmosphere dynamics, Climate of Romania, Synoptic meteorology and forecast, GIS in Climatology, Weather influence on atmospheric pollution
Dr. Sofia La Fuente
Affiliation: Department of Water and Climate, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Research Interests: Hydrology; Climate change; Lake physics; Remote sensing;
Prof. Dr. Zoë Fleming
Affiliation: C+ Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías para la Sociedad, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Del Desarrollo, Chile
Research Interests: Air pollution; Ozone; Atmospheric chemistry; Climate change
Dr. Pallav Purohit
Affiliation: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
Research Interests: Air pollution; Greenhouse gas emissions; F-gases (HFC, PFC, SF6 and NF3) emissions; Short-lived climate pollutants
Dr. Isidro A. Pérez
Affiliation: Department of Applied Physics, University of Valladolid, Spain
Research Interests: Low atmosphere meteorology; Air pollution; Statistics of meteorological observations
Dr. Jian Peng
Affiliation: School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, UK
Research Interests: Hydrology and the atmospheric environment; Satellite remote sensing; Process-based modeling and data-driven methods; Climate extremes and climate variability
Prof. Chuanfeng Zhao
Affiliation: College of Global Change and Earth System Science, Beijing Normal University, China
Research Interests: Cloud physics; Remote sensing; Aerosols; Radiation
Prof. Zhengqiang Li
Affiliation: Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: Remote Sensing; Aerosol; Polarization; Satellite; Sun/sky-radiometer; PM2.5
Prof. Chenghai Wang
Affiliation: College of atmospheric sciences, Lanzhou university, China
Research Interests: Numerical models and simulations; Climate dynamics; climate predictio; Cold and arid regions climate; Renewable resource assessment and forecasting
Dr. Ranis Nail Ibragimov
Affiliation: Mathematics and Physics, University of Wisconsin- Parkside, United States
Research Interests: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics; Atmospheric Dynamics
Prof. Mengqian Lu
Affiliation: Civil and Environmental Engineering,The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
Research Interests: Atmospheric Rivers; Extreme Precipitation; East Asia Monsoon
Dr. Singh Raj Kamal
Affiliation: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; Clarkson University, United States
Research Interests: Air pollution remediation; Environmental and atmospheric chemistry; Water pollution and climate change
Prof. Lei Zhong
Affiliation: School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Research Interests: Land-atmosphere interaction; atmospheric boundary layer; surface heat flux; remote sensing
Dr. Olusegun Folarin Jonah
Affiliation: lMIT Haystack Observatory, United States
Research Interests: Equatorial thermosphere or Ionosphere; Ionosphere-thermosphere coupling to atmosphere; Irregularities of Ionosphere or atmosphere; Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-thermosphere coupling
Prof. Haider Abbas Khwaja
Affiliation: Environmental Health Sciences,Wadsworth Center, University at Albany, United States
Research Interests: Air pollution; Air pollution chemistry
Dr. Service Opare
Affiliation: Department of Arts and Science, University Canada West, Canada
Research Interests: Global warming; Climate change, Mitigation and adaptation; Violent weather systems; Hydrology
Dr. Masoud Rostami
Affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany
Research Interests: Ocean and atmosphere dynamics; Cyclones, vortices, tropical currents; Geophysical fluid dynamics
Dr. Barbara Małgorzata Sensuła
Affiliation: Institute of Physics CSE, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Research Interests: Geochemistry of the air pollution; Climate changes, Ecology and environment; Mass spectrometry; Stable isotopes and radiocarbon; Bioindicators (trees, plants)
Prof. Liang Chang
Affiliation: College of Marine Science, Shanghai Ocean University, China
Research Interests: Remote sensing; Climate change; Satellite geodesy
Dr. Nguyễn Lý Sỹ Phú
Affiliation: Environmental Engineering, VNUHCM-University of Science, Vietnam
Research Interests: Aerosol composition; Atmospheric mercury; Air pollution; Air chemistry; Atmospheric chemistry
Dr. Keyuan Zhong
Affiliation: School of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Gannan Normal University, China
Research Interests: Weather Extremes; Hydrological Processes Simulation
Dr. Dasa GU
Affiliation: Division of Environment and Sustainability, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
Research Interests: Air pollution; Atmospheric chemistry; Emission inventory; Remote sensing; Environmental technologies
Dr. Carla A.Gamelas ORCID Scopus
Affiliation: Instituto Superior Técnico,Universidade de Lisboa,Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares
Research Interests: Air Quality;Particulate Matter (PM);Source Apportionment;Biomonitoring of Air Quality
Prof. Victor F. Tarasenko ORCID Scopus
Affiliation: Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, Optical Radiation Laboratory
Research Interests: Transient Luminous Events (TLE);Diffuse discharges;Run-away electrons;Corona discharges
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