Air Pollution in Kolkata: Emerging Challenges and Dynamics
In 2016 WHO reported that Kolkata is the second most polluted city in India behind Delhi. Albeit the number of registered vehicles in Kolkata is much less compare to Delhi. Kolkata has encountered a decade long battle against change of old vehicles and fuel types. So, this paper made an attempt to explore the dynamics of air pollution in the city specially pre and post period of vehicle and fuel change in the city. The objectives of the paper include looking at spatiotemporal change of air pollution in the city. Besides, the paper additionally illuminates on the role of land use functions and pollution in the city. The analysis shows that after the implementation of regulatory measures air pollution in the city reduced to some extent but effects of the measure gradually diminished. It is found that land use function as well as dynamics of metropolitan area plays crucial role in the air pollution of the city.Keywords:
Air pollution; Regulatory measure; Metropolitan area; Spatial and temporal changeReferences
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