Warmly Welcome Prof. Xihui Gu as the newest Associate Editor of JASR.


We are pleased to announce that Prof. Xihui Gu has accepted the invitation to serve as the Associate Editor for our Journal of Atmospheric Science Research.

Prof. Xihui Gu is a distinguished expert in Hydroclimatology at Department of Atmospheric Science, China University of Geosciences. He has an impressive publication record with over 90 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious scientific journals covering hydrology, climate, and geography. His research has been cited over 2,600 times, with more than 8 papers referenced in IPCC AR6 reports.

Given his wealth of knowledge and expertise in atmospheric science, we are confident that Prof. Gu will play a pivotal role in elevating the journal to new heights. We eagerly anticipate collaborating with him and the editorial team to enhance the journal's impact and reach.