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Sahoo, Laxminarayan, <p>Department of Computer and Information Science, Raiganj University, Raiganj, 733134, India</p>
Sapaty, Peter Simon, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems, National Academy of Sciences, Glushkova Ave 42, 03187, Kiev Ukraine
Savvidis, Petros, <p>Department of Industrial Design & Production Engineering, University of West Attica, Egaleo, Athens, 12241, Greece</p> <p>Research Laboratory of Electronic Automation, Telematics and Cyber-Physical Systems, University of West Attica, Egaleo, Athens, 12241, Greece</p>
Schmeelk, Suzanna, St. John's University, United States
Schmeelk, Suzanna, St. John’s University, United States
Schmeelk, Suzanna, St. John's University, United States (United States)
Sen, Supriyan, <p>Department of Computer and Information Science, Raiganj University, Raiganj, 733134, India</p>
Serban, Cristina, Math. & Computer Science Department, Ovidius University, Constanta, 900720, Romania
Sharma, Gajendra, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre
Shrestha, Sushil, Digital Learning Research Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Sioulas, Panagiotis-Vlasios, Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Thessaly, Lamia, Greece
Stefanovska, Zorica, Faculty of Informatics, AUE-FON University, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Stefanovski, Vekoslav, Sourcico, Tel Aviv, Israel
Sun, Yongfang, Rizhao Polytechnic, Rizhao, Shandong, 276826, China
Sun, Zhaohao, <p>Department of Business Studies, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae 411, Morobe, Papua New Guinea</p>
Sun, Zhaohao, <p>Department of Business Studies, PNG University of Technology, Lae 411, Papua New Guinea</p>
Sun, Zhaohao, <p>Department of Business Studies, PNG University of Technology, Private Mail Bag, Lae 411, Morobe, Papua New Guinea</p>
Sun, Zhaohao, <p>School of Business, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Taraka Campus, Lae 411 Morobe, PNG</p>
Suryavanshi, Shraddha, Department of Electronics and Communication Engg., KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi, Karnataka, 590008, India
Swe, Hsu Myat Tin, Department of Electronic Engineering, Technological University (Taungoo), Bago, Myanmar
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