Call for Papers on the Special issue: Analysis and Design of Advanced Control Systems
The purpose of this special issue is to provide a platform/forum for associated researchers as well as control engineers to publish their latest, novel and original results to the development of analysis and design of complicated control systems. The results in both theoretical research and practical applications with emphasis on novel methodologies for analysis and design, and/or applications are encouraged to submit.
Guest Editors:
Dr. Xinggang Yan
Dr. Dongya Zhao
Dr. Mokhtar Mohamed
Special issue information:
In real world, many control systems can be modeled by dynamical equations. With the increasing requirement for high levels of system performance, it needs to design advanced controllers to improve system performance and/or advanced observers to estimate system state variables or parameters to well monitor system and facilitate high level design. However, practical systems may involve various nonlinearities, uncertainties, time delay, strong interconnections, complex networks, and faults etc. In order to make the controlled systems have higher performance, it is necessary to consider complex systems under complex work surroundings for which novel techniques and skills should be developed.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
- Control of networked or interconnected systems
- Variable structure control
- Time delay systems
- Robust observer design and parameters identification
- Fault detection and fault tolerant control
- Intelligent systems
- Cyber-physical control systems
- Data driven control
- Applications of advanced analysis and design
Manuscript submission information:
Before submission, authors should carefully read through the journal’s Author Guidelines which are available at https://ojs.bilpublishing.com/index.php/jeis/about/submissions#authorGuidelines
Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at the website:
Final Submission deadline: 31 October 2022 (closed)
If you have question regarding this Special Issue, please contact Editorial Office (jeis@bilpublishing.com)
by Xinyue Tang, Yali Dong, Meng Liu
Keywords: Finite-time H∞ boundedness; Discrete-time systems; One-sided Lipschitz system; Observer-based control
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jeis.v4i2.4684
Monitoring Heart Rate Variability Based on Self-powered ECG Sensor Tag
by Nhat Minh Tran, Ngoc-Giao Pham, Thang Viet Tran
Keywords:Batteryless ECG sensor; Heart rate monitoring; UHF RFID
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jeis.v4i2.5225
by Mirza Rayana Sanzana, Mostafa Osama Mostafa Abdulrazic, Jing Ying Wong, Chun-Chieh Yip
Keywords: Advanced application; Deep learning; Thermal-energy-storage; Air-Conditioner; Facility management and maintenance; Analysis; Design guidelines
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jeis.v4i2.5211