New Approach to Observer-Based Finite-Time H∞ Control of Discrete-Time One-Sided Lipschitz Systems with Uncertainties
This paper investigates the finite-time H∞ control problem for a class of nonlinear discrete-time one-sided Lipschitz systems with uncertainties. Using the one-sided Lipschitz and quadratically inner-bounded conditions, the authors derive less conservative criterion for the controller design and observer design. A new criterion is proposed to ensure the closedloop system is finite-time bounded (FTB). The sufficient conditions are established to ensure the closed-loop system is H∞ finite-time bounded (H∞ FTB) in terms of matrix inequalities. The controller gains and observer gains are given. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed results.
Finite-time H∞ boundedness; Discrete-time systems; One-sided Lipschitz system; Observer-based controlReferences
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