Computation Offloading and Scheduling in Edge-Fog Cloud Computing
Resource allocation and task scheduling in the Cloud environment faces many challenges, such as time delay, energy consumption, and security. Also, executing computation tasks of mobile applications on mobile devices (MDs) requires a lot of resources, so they can offload to the Cloud. But Cloud is far from MDs and has challenges as high delay and power consumption. Edge computing with processing near the Internet of Things (IoT) devices have been able to reduce the delay to some extent, but the problem is distancing itself from the Cloud. The fog computing (FC), with the placement of sensors and Cloud, increase the speed and reduce the energy consumption. Thus, FC is suitable for IoT applications. In this article, we review the resource allocation and task scheduling methods in Cloud, Edge and Fog environments, such as traditional, heuristic, and meta-heuristics. We also categorize the researches related to task offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), and Mobile Fog Computing (MFC). Our categorization criteria include the issue, proposed strategy, objectives, framework, and test environment.
Cloud computing; Edge computing; Fog computing; Offloading; SchedulingReferences
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