Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach1273
Probabilistic Rationale of Actions for Artificial Intelligence Systems Operating in Uncertainty Conditions
The approach for probabilistic rationale of artificial intelligence systems actions is proposed. It is based on an implementation of the proposed interconnected ideas 1-7 about system analysis and optimization focused on prognostic modeling. The ideas may be applied also by using another probabilistic models which supported by software tools and can predict successfulness or risks on a level of probability distribution functions. The approach includes description of the proposed probabilistic models, optimization methods for rationale actions and incremental algorithms for solving the problems of supporting decision-making on the base of monitored data and rationale a robot actions in uncertainty conditions. The approach means practically a proactive commitment to excellence in uncertainty conditions. A suitability of the proposed models and methods is demonstrated by examples which cover wide applications of artificial intelligence systems.
Analysis; Artificial intelligence systems; model; Operation; prediction; Probability; Rationale; Risk; System; System engineeringReferences
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