Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach1273
The task of an intelligent control system design applying soft and quantum computational intelligence technologies discussed. An example of a control object as a mobile robot with redundant robotic manipulator and stereovision introduced. Design of robust knowledge bases is performed using a developed computational intelligence – quantum / soft computing toolkit (QC/SCOptKBTM). The knowledge... More
Abstract: In the first part of the article, two ways of fuzzy controller’s implementation showed. First way applied one controller for all links of the manipulator and showed the best performance. However, such an implementation is not possible in complex control objects, such as a planar redundant manipulator with seven degrees of freedom (DoF). The second... More
Abstract: A description of the design stage and results of the development of the conceptual structure of a robotic prosthesis arm is given. As a result, a prototype of manmade prosthesis on a 3D printer as well as a foundation for computational intelligence presented. The application of soft computing technology (the first step of IT) allows... More
This article firstly explains the concepts of artificial intelligence and algorithm separately, then determines the research status of artificial in-telligence and machine learning in the background of the increasing pop-ularity of artificial intelligence, and finally briefly describes the machine learning algorithm in the field of artificial intelligence, as well as puts for-ward appropriate development prospects,... More