Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach1293
Robotic Smart Prosthesis Arm with BCI and Kansei / Kawaii / Affective Engineering Approach. Pt I: Quantum Soft Computing Supremacy
A description of the design stage and results of the development of the conceptual structure of a robotic prosthesis arm is given. As a result, a prototype of manmade prosthesis on a 3D printer as well as a foundation for computational intelligence presented. The application of soft computing technology (the first step of IT) allows to extract knowledge directly from the physical signal of the electroencephalogram, as well as to form knowledge-based intelligent robust control of the lower performing level taking into account the assessment of the patient’s emotional state. The possibilities of applying quantum soft computing technologies (the second step of IT) in the processes of robust filtering of electroencephalogram signals for the formation of mental commands and quantum supremacy simulation of robotic prosthetic arm discussed.Keywords:
robotic prosthetic arm; cognitive computational intelligence; «brain-computer-device» neurointerface; mental commands; quantum soft computing; fuzzy cognitive controllerReferences
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