Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach1273
Application of Feature Curves and Shape Blending on Yacht Designing
The global yacht market share and industry might expand continually since increasing people are willing to enjoy the yacht life in lower price nowadays while yacht activities were regards as a luxury sport in the past. Additionally, Taiwanese yacht manufacturers are well-known worldwide. They show excellent performances on the international annual rankings which implies Taiwan has excellent manufacturing technologies. However, Taiwanese manufacturers so far do not have a mature local design team. Therefore, this study goals to developing a systematic and objective design method for hull designing, which facilitates designers to design innovative yachts or create a series product with brand recognition. This study is divided into three parts: the first part is the investigation of the yachts market; the second is establishing a shape blending platform; the third is 3D forming. Finally, it is used the existing ship CAD software to design an innovative yacht based on the blended curves and then calculates its basic hydrostatic performance. This study provides a quantitative method to create a new form and to preserve the features for a brand. The exist yacht combines with other graphics to create a new form and maximizes the features of the original graphics.References
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