Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach1273
Intelligent control of mobile robot with redundant manipulator & stereovision: quantum / soft computing toolkit
The task of an intelligent control system design applying soft and quantum computational intelligence technologies discussed. An example of a control object as a mobile robot with redundant robotic manipulator and stereovision introduced. Design of robust knowledge bases is performed using a developed computational intelligence – quantum / soft computing toolkit (QC/SCOptKBTM). The knowledge base self-organization process of fuzzy homogeneous regulators through the application of end-to-end IT of quantum computing described. The coordination control between the mobile robot and redundant manipulator with stereovision based on soft computing described. The general design methodology of a generalizing control unit based on the physical laws of quantum computing (quantum information-thermodynamic trade-off of control quality distribution and knowledge base self-organization goal) is considered. The modernization of the pattern recognition system based on stereo vision technology presented. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is demonstrated in comparison with the structures of control systems based on soft computing for unforeseen control situations with sensor system.
quantum / soft computing optimizer; knowledge base; fuzzy controller; quantum fuzzy inference; multi-agent systems; mobile robot stereo visionReferences
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