Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach1273
A New Approach of Intelligent Data Retrieval Paradigm
What is a real time agent, how does it remedy ongoing daily frustrations for users, and how does it improve the retrieval performance in World Wide Web? These are the main question we focus on this manuscript. In many distributed information retrieval systems, information in agents should be ranked based on a combination of multiple criteria. Linear combination of ranks has been the dominant approach due to its simplicity and effectiveness. Such a combination scheme in distributed infrastructure requires that the ranks in resources or agents are comparable to each other before combined. The main challenge is transforming the raw rank values of different criteria appropriately to make them comparable before any combination. Different ways for ranking agents make this strategy difficult. In this research, we will demonstrate how to rank Web documents based on resource-provided information how to combine several resources raking schemas in one time. The proposed system was implemented specifically in data provided by agents to create a comparable combination for different attributes. The proposed approach was tested on the queries provided by Text Retrieval Conference (TREC). Experimental results showed that our approach is effective and robust compared with offline search platforms.
Intelligent agents; Ranking schema; Distributed approach; Vector space modelReferences
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