Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach1294
Efficient Parallel Processing of k-Nearest Neighbor Queries by Using a Centroid-based and Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm
The k-Nearest Neighbor method is one of the most popular techniques for both classification and regression purposes. Because of its operation, the application of this classification may be limited to problems with a certain number of instances, particularly, when run time is a consideration. However, the classification of large amounts of data has become a fundamental task in many real-world applications. It is logical to scale the k-Nearest Neighbor method to large scale datasets. This paper proposes a new k-Nearest Neighbor classification method (KNN-CCL) which uses a parallel centroid-based and hierarchical clustering algorithm to separate the sample of training dataset into multiple parts. The introduced clustering algorithm uses four stages of successive refinements and generates high quality clusters. The k-Nearest Neighbor approach subsequently makes use of them to predict the test datasets. Finally, sets of experiments are conducted on the UCI datasets. The experimental results confirm that the proposed k-Nearest Neighbor classification method performs well with regard to classification accuracy and performance.
Classification; k-Nearest Neighbor; Big data; Clustering; Parallel processingReferences
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