Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach1273
Quantum Fast Algorithm Computational Intelligence PT I: SW / HW Smart Toolkit
A new approach to a circuit implementation design of quantum algorithm gates for quantum massive parallel fast computing implementation is presented. The main attention is focused on the development of design method of fast quantum algorithm operators as superposition, entanglement and interference which are in general time-consuming operations due to the number of products that have to be performed. SW & HW support sophisticated smart toolkit of supercomputing accelerator of quantum algorithm simulation is described. The method for performing Grover’s interference without product operations as Benchmark introduced. The background of developed information technology is the "Quantum / Soft Computing Optimizer" (QSCOptKBTM) software based on soft and quantum computational intelligence toolkit. Quantum genetic and quantum fuzzy inference algorithm gate design considered. The quantum information technology of imperfect knowledge base self-organization design of fuzzy robust controllers for the guaranteed achievement of intelligent autonomous robot the control goal in unpredicted control situations is described.
Quantum algorithm gate; Superposition; Entanglement; Interference; Quantum simulatorReferences
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