Roust Power System Stabilizer Design Using Kharitonov’s Theorem: A Case Study
This paper proposes a robust power system stabilizer(PSS) for a steam synchronous generator in Barka II power station. The PSS should be capable of damping small-disturbance oscillations (inherently existing in power systems due to e.g. load changes, lines switching...etc.) within a certain settling time for different load conditions. Also, the proposed PSS must have the conventional structure and its parameters must not be violated. To achieve this goal, robust control provides many advantages. The suggested controller is tuned by the Kharitonov’s theorem and uses the standard structure employed in industry. The problem is cast into a nonlinear constrained optimization problem to achieve the desired settling time without violating the practical values of the controller parameters. Performance of the robust PSS is evaluated by several simulations in the presence of system uncertainty due to load changes.
Power system stabilizer; Robust control; Kharitonov’s theorem; Small-disturbance stabilityReferences
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Copyright © 2019 Hisham Soliman, Mohammed Albadi, Hamood Al-Sheriyani, Hadhifa Al-Azakawi, Ali Al- Qutaiti

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