Design and Construction of A Single-Phase Power Factor Meter
It is known that the power consumption and efficiency of an equipment owes directly to its power factor. The lower the power factor of the equipment the more the energy consumption of such equipment and vice-versa.Hence, the need to develop an equipment to measure accurately the operating power factor of domestic and industrial equipment and appliances [1]. The operating principle of this power factor meter design is based on Zero Crossing detection principle, the principle is utilized using Arduino Nano,instrument transformers, LM324 operational amplifier, generic resistor, generic XOR Gate 7488 and 2X16LCD.The input current and voltage signal is taken by the transformers and sent to the op- amp which carries out the zero crossing detection in order to get the time difference after which the microcontroller does the calculation to determine the power factor and the deficit reactive power which is then displayed on an interface [2].
Arduino nano; Zero crossing; Power factor; Inductive load; Capacitive loadReferences
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