Heat Transfer in Horizontal Copper Tube Heated by Electric Heating Process
Heat transfer from electrical and electronics component is essential for better performance of that electrical system, The maximum heat transfer from that system results long period durability. In most of the system base provided for equipments are very small and placed in a very complicated position. so heat transfer by forced convection is not easy for that purpose.The heat transfer by natural convection is the familiar technique used in electronics cooling; there is huge group of apparatus that lends itself to natural convection .This category consist of stand-alone correspondence such as modems and small computers having an array of printed circuit boards (PCB) accumulate within an area. Natural convection heat transfer in heated horizontal duct drive away heat from the interior surface is offered. The duct is open-ended and round in cross section. The test section is heated by provision of heating coils, where constant wall heat flux mentioned. Heat transfer experiment is carried out for channel of 50 mm. internal diameter and 4 mm thickness with length 600 mm. Ratios of length to diameter of the channel are taken as L/D = 12. Wall heat fluxes maintained at q// = 300 W/m2 to 3150 W/m2 . A methodical investigational record for the localsteady state natural convection heat transfer activities is obtained. The wall heating condition on local steady-state heat transfer phenomena are studied.The present experimental data is compared with the existing theoretical and experimental results for the cases of vertical smooth tubes.
Heat transfer; Components; System; Horizontal tube; Heating coil; Heat flux; Smooth tubes; Test sectionReferences
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