Communication of Internal Speech with Communicative Associative Robot via Spectral Neurointerface
Thought communications with an associative-communicative robot are carried out through the spectral neurointerface of internal speech.Internal speech is an energy physiological process.Internal speech is vibration from the mental vibration of thought.Mental vibration of thought is a process in the mental ethereal field.The vibrations of thoughts are reflected and observed by the mind in the form of semantic sensual images.Vibrations of semantic sensual images generate vibrations of internal speech action (internal speech) in the form of language communicative and associative stereotypes which are perceived by a touch zone of a brain of Wernicke.Internal speech is a linguistic mental vibration.It is felt and becomes internally audible and drawn to attention.The perception of vibrations of internal speech is carried out through energy channels,such as the internal posterior median canal of the spine.The spectral neurointerface perceives these vibrations.Neocortex makes us a reasonable person - allows us to think and talk.The spectral neurointerface is based on the principles of biosensors,bioenergy detectors,spectral analyzers and electrocorticography for neuroimaging parts of the brain that record vibrations of internal speech,such as the lower frontal gyrus,the upper and middle temporal gyrus,the medial prefrontal cortex,the hind parts of the wedge and precline and the dark temporal region,including the posterior Internal speech activity is associated with the semantic memory of the neocortex.
Spectral neurointerface; Electrocorticography; Internal speech; Communicative robotReferences
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