Cyber Security Professionals’ Challenges: A Proposed Integrated Platform Solution
As cyber threats and attacks are immensely increasing and broadly spreading catastrophically worldwide, cyber security professionals need to cope up with such a highly demanding environment. Security teams, such as Security operation Centre (SOC), Incident Response (IR) and Threat management teams are the people responsible for dealing with cyber security threats and attacks from detection to containment and preventing future incidents; which encompasses some significant challenges that might impose some limitations to the efficiency and effectiveness of activities cyber security professionals conduct, as these processes are time-consuming. In this paper we propose an integrated platform to help cyber security professionals to proactively manage cyber security threats and emerging incidents by providing an automated functionality that can optimize the workflow. The proposed security platform is supposed to diminish the average time taken by cyber security professionals to respond to cyber incidents with an average of 42%. This study can be used as a preliminary design for such an integrated platform.
Cyber security; Threat; Intelligence; SOC; IRReferences
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Copyright © 2021 Mohammed Daffalla Elradi, Khalid Abass Abdelmaged, Mutaz Osman Mohammad

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