Finding Non-liner Register on Binary M-Sequence Generating Binary Multiplication Sequence
In the current time there is an important problem that is for a received linear or nonlinear binary sequence {zn} how we can find the nonlinear feedback shift register and its linear equivalent which generate this sequence. The linear orthogonal sequences, special M-Sequences, play a big role in these methods for solving this problem. In the current research trying give illuminations about the methods which are very useful for solving this problem under short sequences, and study these methods for finding the nonlinear feedback shift register of a multiplication sequence and its linear equivalent feedback shift register of a received multiplication binary sequence{zn} where the multiplication on h degrees of a binary linear sequence {an}, or finding the equivalent linear feedback shift register of {zn}, where the sequence {zn}of the form M-sequence, and these methods are very effectively. We can extend these methods for the large sequences using programming and modern computers with large memory.
Linear sequences; Finite field linear; feedback shift register; Orthogonal sequence; Linear equivalent; ComplexityReferences
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