Performance Assessment of Motorized Solar Photovoltaic Louvers System Using PVSYST Software
In the realm of technological market penetration of solar photovoltaiclouvers (PVL) addressing environmental difficulties and the industrialrevolution, a new avenue of renewable energy is introduced. Moreover,solar energy exploitation through building façades was addressedthrough motorized solar photovoltaic louvers (MPVL). On the otherhand, proponents exalted the benefits of MPVL overlooking the typicalanalyses. In this communication, we attempted to perform a thoroughindustrial system evaluation of the MPVL. This communication presentsa methodology to validate the industrial claims about MPVL devices andtheir economic efficiency and the insight on how geographical locationinfluences their utilization and augment their potential benefits. This taskis carried out by evaluating the extent of solar energy that can be harvestedusing solar photovoltaic system (PVSYST) software and investigatingwhether existing product claims are associated with MPVL are feasible indifferent locations. The performance and operational losses (temperature,internal network, power electronics) were evaluated. To design and assessthe performance of different configurations based on the geographicalanalogy, simulation tools were successfully carried out based on differenttopographical locations. Based on these findings, various factors affect theemployment of MPVL such as geographical and weather conditions, solarirradiation, and installation efficiency. tt is assumed that we successfullyshed light and provided insights into the complexity associated withMPVL.Keywords:
Motorized solar photovoltaic louvers (MPVL); photovoltaic (PV); PVsyst software; Direct solar radiation; Parametric louver designReferences
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