Design of Digital Solar Water Pump Using Microcontroller ATmega 32
This paper focuses on the application of solar energy along with microcontrollers to design and run a motor to pump water from various sources. The solar water pump is one of the applications or appliance that perform task with the use of solar radiation. The solar water pump consists of solar PV array, solar pump, inverter, AC water pumping device etc. Solar energy radiation is converted in electrical current or power source which is then used to run a pump and draw water directly from ground, wells, rivers, lakes etc. In this paper, the relationship between flow rate of the water and luminous intensity of the solar irradiance is studied and the data are linearly fitted to find out the correlation between these parameters. Also the study about efficiency of the solar powered water pump shows that the operation of this type of pumping system is quite efficient than other types of fossil fuel engines like diesel, petrol, kerosene etc. in long run. The use of Arduino Uno, flow sensor, LDR sensors in the solar powered water pump helps to analyze the relation between these parameters and know the conditions favorable for excess supply of water in short time efficiently. These solar powered devices are the future of clean and green future of this world. Thus it is not only necessary but also compulsory to enhance the usage of solar energy throughout the globe.
Solar PV array; LDR sensor; Water flow sensors; Arduino Uno and Liquid; Crystal displayReferences
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