Development of Green Polymer Electrolyte Through Hot Press Method
To develop the green polymeric membrane electrolyte, e-Polycaprolactone (PCL) was used as a host and the Ionic liquid (IL)(1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tosylate) as a dopant. The IL is a source of mobile charges in the polymer electrolyte system. The composite membrane has been prepared by Hot Press method and then we characterised this membrane for ionic transportation. Formation of nanocomposite system has been ascertained from their XRD pattern. Interaction phenomenon was studied by ATR based FTIR and Laser Raman spectroscopic technique. Variation of conductivity with composition and temperature was studied with the aid of impedance spectroscopy data.
Green polymer electrolyte; XRD; FTIR; Ionic liquid; Hot press methodReferences
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