Cyclone Bomb Hits Southern Brazil in 2020
An “explosive extratropical cyclone” is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when there is a very rapid drop in central atmospheric pressure. This phenomenon, with its characteristic of rapidly lowering the pressure in its interior, generates very intense winds and for this reason it is called explosive cyclone, bomb cyclone. With gusts recorded of 116 km/h, atmospheric phenomenon - “cyclone bomb” (CB) hit southern Brazil on June 30, the beginning of winter 2020, causing destruction in its influence over. One of the cities most affected was Chapecó, west of the state of Santa Catarina. The satellite images show that the CB generated a low pressure (976 mbar) inside it, generating two atmospheric currents that moved at high speed. In a northwest-southeast direction, Bolivia and Paraguay, crossing the states of Parana and Santa Catarina, and this draft that hit the south of Brazil, which caused the destruction of the affected states. Another moving to Argentina, southwest-northeast direction, due to high area of high pressure (1022 mbar). Both enhanced the phenomenon.
Atmospheric phenomenon; Cyclone Bomb; Brazil; Chapecó; Extratropical cyclone; Parana; Santa Catarina; Rio Grande do Sul; WinterReferences
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