About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Journal of Building Material Science accepts a wide range of innovative and original research articles, incisive review articles, detailed case reports, as well as short communications and editorials. All paper submitted to our journal will undergo rigorous peer review evaluation. All papers published are open-accessed. It aims to provide an international forum for the dissemination of innovative and original research and developments in the field of construction and building materials and their application in new engineering and repair practices.

The journal is interested in topics such as cement, concrete reinforcement, brick and mortar, ceramics, wood, steel, fiberglass, recycled materials, bamboo, rammed earth, polymers, railway materials, and asphalt material. Related non-traditional building materials are also within the scope.

The scope of the Journal of Building Material Science includes, but is not restricted to:

  • Innovative Building Materials
  • Sustainable Construction Materials
  • Building Material Durability and Maintenance
  • Fireproof Engineered Building Materials
  • Circular Economy in Building Material
  • Building Materials on Housing Environments (acoustics, moisture, thermal, air)

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate Open Access to its content as it believes that making research freely available to the public which helps promoting the research results benefiting the scholarly community.

  • Higher Visibility, Availability and Citations – free and unlimited accessibility of the publication over the internet without any restrictions increases citation of the article.
  • Ease of search – publications are easily searchable in search engines and indexing databases.
  • Rapid Publication – accepted papers are immediately published online.