Editorial Board


Dr. Zhibin Lin   Scopus Google Scholar
Affiliation: Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, United States
Research Interests: Reinforced concrete; Prestressed concrete; Cementitious materials; Recycled concrete and materials; Recycled concrete and materials; Smart infrastructure materials; Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Dr. Subhadip Mondal   Scopus Google Scholar
Affiliation: Department of Polymer-Nano Science and Technology, Jeonbuk National University, South Korea 
Research Interests: Fiber-reinforced concrete; Polymer coated building materials; Structural design of building materials; Multifunctional Cementitious materials; Cellulose fiber-based building material; Polymer nanocomposites, Thermally conductive material

Associate Editors

Dr. Ying Huang Scopus Google Scholar 
Affiliation: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, North Dakota State University, United States
Research Interests: Smart materials; Smart structure; Structural health monitoring; Intelligent transportation systems; Nona materials

Dr. Haradhan Kolya Scopus Google Scholar
Affiliation: Department of Housing Environmental Design, Jeonbuk National University, Republic of Korea
Research Interest: Polymers; Polymer nanocomposites, Wood, Acoustics, Eco-friendly building materials, Housing environment

Dr. Fujian Tang  Scopus Google Scholar
Affiliation: Department of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China
Research Interest: Construction materials and corrosion; Nano-modified coating materials; Computational materials science

Dr. Ji Dang Scopus Google Scholar
Affiliation: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Saitama University, Japan
Research Interest: Structural engineering; Seismic design of structures; Structural vibration control; Structural health monitoring; Intelligent structures

Editorial Board Members

Prof. Dr. Bin Xu
International Collaborative Research Center for Structural Safety and Sustainability, Huaqiao University, China
Research Interest:
Structural dynamics and nonlinear behavior identification and control, Nondestructive testing, Dynamic stress sensing technologies, Multi-scale dynamic behavior of concrete structures

Prof. Dr. Luigi Coppola
Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Bergamo, Italy
Research Interests:
Admixtures for concrete; Alternative low-carbon binders; Waste management in concrete production, deterioration, durability and repair of concrete structures, mix-design, deterioration and restoration of historical buildings, corrosion and protection of rebars in reinforced concrete structures

Prof. Dr. Xiaoshu Lu
Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology, University of Vaasa, Finland
Research Interests: Enhancing renewable energy generation and consumption; Energy systems and built environment at building, district, and urban scales;

Dr. Hosam M. Saleh
Radioisotope Department, Nuclear Research Center, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt
Research Interests:
Cement; Cement composites; Polymer composites; Cementation; Sustainable materials; Radiation shielding; Sustainable composites; Industrial waste; Construction materials; Lightweight concrete

Dr. Meng Guo
Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering of Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, China
Research Interests:
Innovative characterization of sustainable asphalt pavement materials; The mechanism of aging and recycling of asphaltic materials and the life-extending technology; Life cycle assessment of transportation infrastructure

Dr. Jacopo Donnini
Department of Materials, Environmental Sciences and Urban Planning, Marche Polytechnic University, Italy
Research Interests:
Fiber-reinforced cement-based materials; Concrete and masonry structures; Advanced composite materials; Self-sensing cement-based materials; Cementitious composite materials

Dr. Susana Hormigos-Jimenez
Department of Architecture and Design, San Pablo CEU University, Spain
Research Interests: 
Construction; Building materials; Sustainable construction; Construction technology; Building technology; Green building; Building simulation

Dr. Santiranjan Shannigrahi
Department of Structural Materials, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (ASTAR), Singapore
Research Interests: 
Materials science; Composites; Material characterization; Thin films and nanotechnology;

Prof. Abbasali Sadeghi
Department of Civil Engineering Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Research Interests: 
Reliability, Progressive collapse, Smart material, Abnormal loading

Prof. Dr. Baomin Wang
Institute of Building Materials, Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, China
Research Interests: 
Modern concrete material science and technology; High performance cement-based composites; Solid waste disposal and resource utilization of building materials; Low carbon gelling materials such as alkali excitation

Dr. Leila Soufeiani
Department of Infrastructure Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia
Research Interests: 
Structural analysis; Structural dynamics; Finite element analysis; Finite element modeling; Steel structures; Structural engineering; Bridge engineering; Nonlinear analysis

Dr. Sudarshan Dattatraya Kore
Affiliation: School of Construction, NICMAR University, Pune, India
Research Interests: Use of industrial or mining waste in concrete; Sustainable design of concrete mixes; Automation in construction 

Dr. Mohammad Jamshidi Avanaki
Head of Civil Engineering Department, International University of Chabahar, Iran
Research interests:
Sustainable building materials; AI in construction; earthquake engineering; Seismic retrofitting technology

Dr. Kiran Devi
Department of Civil Engineering, SGT University, Gurugram, India
Research Interests:
Cement-based composites; Novel and sustainable bricks; Recycled concrete; Industrial based composites; Soil stabilization

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