Hemp Concrete: A Sustainable Green Material for Conventional Concrete
Concrete is one of the most important building material and day by day the utilization of concrete is increasing to meet the infrastructure development requirement. On one hand it is unavoidable but some alternative to be explored to reduce the global environmental impact caused by the concrete.To overcome this from the last decade the world is looking towards the fact of sustainability due to rapid industrialization. The growth in the construction industry increased the demand of concrete as construction material. This concrete produces significant amount of greenhouse emission in the environment. There is a need to find an alternative solution to minimize the greenhouse emission emitted from the concrete manufacturing plant. Hempcrete is a building material prepared from hemp yarns, lime and water. This composite material has several beneficial properties like low in cost, easily available, thermal and acoustic insulation, low density and sustainable cause of no adverse impact of carbon footprint on production.In this study the properties and several benefits of the hempcrete were discussed in detail.
Hemp; Hempshiv; Concrete; SustainabilityReferences
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