Journal of Building Material Science Updated Aims & Scope


With the help and advice of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board Members, we have updated and improved the Aims & Scope of our journal. The new improved version is as follows:

Journal of Building Material Science accepts a diverse array of innovative and original research articles, insightful review articles, detailed case reports, as well as short communications and editorials. Every manuscript submitted to our journal will undergo rigorous peer review evaluation. All published papers are open-accessed. It strives to establish an international platform for sharing innovative and original research findings and advancements in the realm of construction and building materials, as well as their utilization in novel engineering and repair methodologies.

The journal focuses on topics, such as cement, concrete reinforcement, brick and mortar, ceramics, wood, steel, fiberglass, recycled materials, bamboo, rammed earth, polymers, railway materials, and asphalt material. Related non-traditional building materials are also covered.

The scope of Journal of Building Material Science includes, but is not restricted to:

  • Innovative Building Materials
  • Sustainable Construction Materials
  • Building Material Durability and Maintenance
  • Fireproof Engineered Building Materials
  • Circular Economy in Building Material
  • Building Materials on Housing Environments (acoustics, moisture, thermal, air)

We welcome relevant scholars to refer this new aims & scope to submit their quality papers to us for possible publications.