Perspective of E-Waste in Concrete: A review
In this digital era, usage of electric and electronic devices has become the need of people. Evolution of technology triggers the adoption of new devices over old and discarded appliances turned into the electronic wastes also termed as e-waste/s. E-waste from any source has become a major concern to the society. The disposal of these wastes into the landfills causes many hazardous impacts to the ecosystem. As a promising solution construction industry can utilize the e-wastes effectively. The wastes may be used either as fine filler or aggregates in concrete and bituminous based constructions efficiently. Usage of waste/s conserves the natural resources also. Present study magnifies the scenario of application of electronic wastes in different forms i.e., plastic, metal etc. in bituminous and concrete based mixtures. A critical review has been carried the effects of electronic wastes in concrete and bituminous mixes and findings confirm the praxis of electronic wastes is possible within certain limits.Keywords:
E-waste; cement composites; bituminous mix; properties of concreteReferences
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