Editorial Board
Prof. Jose Navarro Pedreño
University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain
Google Scholar Orcid
Associate Editor
Prof. Kaiyong Wang
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Editorial Board
Prof. Zhonglei Yu, Henan University, China
Research Interests: Population Geography; Urban &Rural Development; Land Use; Tourism Geography; Vulnerability & Adaption of Social-ecological Systems
Dr. Yanbin Chen, Shandong Normal University, China
Research Interests: Urban Geography and Urban Planning; Economic Geography; Geographies of Food; Resource and Environmental Studies; Spatial Analysis and Modeling
Dr. Angel Paniagua Mazorra, Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Spain
Research Interests: Rural geography; Political Ecology; Social Geography
Dr. Haoming Xia, The College of Geography and Environmental Science, Henan University, China
Research Interests: Vegetation Mapping; Climate Change; Phenology; Geography Education
Prof. Chengpeng Lu, Lanzhou University, China
Research Interests: Economic Geography; Rural Geography; Regional Economy; Industrial Ecology
Prof. Lede Niu, Yunnan Normal University, China
Research Interests: Urban Geography; land use Planning and Land use Policy; Regional Integration; Food Security; Regional Economic Development and Management
Dr. Diego Giuliani, University of Trento, Italy
Research Interests: Spatial Statistics; Spatial econometrics; Quantitative Geography; Regional Sciences; Economic Geography; Spatial Economics
Dr. Mirko Andreja Borisov, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Research Interests: Geodetics; Spatial Analysis and Modeling; Urban Geography
Dr. Fei Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: Sustainable Development; Economic Geography; Resource and Environmental Economics
Dr. John P. Tiefenbacher, Texas State University, United States
Research Interests: Global Warming; Climate Change; Spatial Change; Environmental Problems; Geography of Wine; Air Quality; Dissonance; Circus Clowns
Dr. Christopher Robin Bryant, University of Guelph, Canada
Research Interests: Sustainable Community Development; Rural Development; Land use Planning; Strategic Management/Planning of Development; Community Participation; the Dynamics and planning of Periurban Agriculture; the Adaptation of Human Activities to Climatic Change
Dr. Carlos Teixeira, University of British Columbia, Canada
Research Interests: Immigration; Housing; Ethnic Entrepreneurship; Urban and Social Geography
Dr. Shengpei Dai, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, China
Research Interests: Global Climate Change; Land Use and Cover Change; Remote Sensing of Resources and Environment; Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Cycle; Cartography and Geographic Information System; Agricultural Remote Sensing
Dr. Zhen Liu, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: Demographic Change and Migration; Urban Geography and Spatial Governance; Rural Geography; Land use Change and Policy
Prof. Mehmet Cetin, Kastamonu University, Turkey
Research Interests: Land Use Planning; Geoinformatics GIS; Spatial Analysis; Landscape Planning; Landscape Planning and Design; Environmental Monitoring
Dr. Ola Johansson, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, United States
Research Interests: Urban Geography and Planning; Cultural Geography; Environmental Policy and Management
Dr. Ali Hosseini, University of Tehran, Iran
Research Interests: Urban Geography; Urban Planning; GIS; Land use Planning; Spatial Analysis; Urban Tourism
Dr. Rudi Hartmann, University of Colorado Denver, United States
Research Interests: Tourism Geography; Heritage Studies; Geographic Education; Economic Geography; Social Geography
Prof. Kecun Zhang, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: Desert Geomorphology; Desert Environments; Physical Geography; Sand Damages Along Railway or Road
Dr. Federico R. León, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Peru
Research Interests: Geography of Country Intelligence; Geography of Economic Performance of Countries; Geography of Organizational Behavior
Dr. Aremu Olanrewaju Sulyman, Federal University of Technology Minna Nigeria
Research Interests: Regional Planning; Housing; Infrastructure Planning;
Rural Development
Dr. Zhibao Wang, Shandong Normal University, China
Research Interests: Population Aging; Urban Geography and Planning; Urbanization; Industrial Clusters; Environmental Geography
Dr. Bodo Tombari, University of Uyo, Nigeria
Research Interests: Urban Geography; Economic Geography; Rural Geography
Prof. Jesús M. González-Pérez, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
Research Interests: Urban Geography; Tourism Geography; Urban Planning; Population Geography
Dr. Jesús López-Rodríguez, Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Research Interests: Geographical Economics; Regional Economics; Economic Growth; Regional Policy; Public Economics
Dr. Zhiguo Yao, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, China
Research Interests: Tourism Geography; Tourism Resources; Culture Geography
Dr. Virginia Alarcón Martínez, International University of the Rioja, Spain
Research Interests: Environment; Hydraulics and Hydrology; Geography; Agronomist; Civil Engineering; Engineering or Projects
Dr. Cheikh Faye, Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor, Senegal
Research Interests: Hydrology; Water Resources; IWRM
Dr. Alex Standish, University College London, United Kingdom
Research Interests: Geography Education; Curriculum; Teacher Education; Development; Political Geography
Dr. John Manyimadin Kusimi, University of Ghana, Ghana
Research Interests: Risks and Disasters; Climate Change and Environment; Geomorphology; Remote Sensing and GIS
Dr. Susan Ihuoma Ajiere, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Research Interests: Climate Change Impact on the environment; Weather forecast; Agroclimatology; Flood Risk management; Urban Climatology; Impact Assessment
Dr. Lingyue Li, Tongji University, China
Research Interests: Urban Planning; Urban Geography; Spatial Analysis and Modeling; Health Geography
Dr. Aleksandar Djordje Valjarević, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Research Interests: Geographical Information Systems; Digital Cartography; Geo-Informatics
Dr. Pedro Robledo Ardila, Geological Survey Of Spain, Spain
Research Interests: Geomorphology; Natural Protected Areas: Planning, Geological and Geomorphological Resources, Coast and littoral
Dr. Sanwei He, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China
Research Interests: Spatial Analysis; Regional Inequality; Geographic Information System; Land Use
Dr. Christos Kastrisios, University of New Hampshire, United States
Research Interests: Computational Cartography; Nautical Cartography; Maritime Delimitation; Cartographic Generalization
Dr. Eva Savina Malinverni, Universita’ Politecnica Delle Marche, Italy
Research Interests: GIS; Remote Sensing; Virtual and Augmented Reality; Surveying; Machine–Deep Learning; Precision Farming
Dr. Zhixin Feng, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Research Interests: Health geography, Health inequalities, Geography effects, Population, Ageing
Dr. Levent Yilmaz, Nisantasi University, Turkey
Research Interests: Hydraulics; Renewable Energy; Water Resources Management; Sediment Transport; Open Channel Flow; Meanders
Dr. Chiara Certomà, Ghent University, Italy
Research Interests: Urban Planning Theory; Environmental Conflicts; Digital Social Innovation; Communing and Commons (Urban Field); Participatory Planning; Environmental Theory
Dr. Rubén Camilo Lois-González, University Of Santiago De Compostela, Spain
Research Interests: Urban Geography; Territorial Planning; Cultural Geography
Dr. Nevin Özdemir, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey
Research Interests: Geography Education; Disaster Education; General Physical Geography; Environmental Education; Attitudes on Nuclear Energy; Learning Styles
Dr. Liqiang Zhang, Beijing Normal Univerity, China
Research Interests: Spatial Analysis; Remote Sensing Imagery Processing; 3D Model Reconstruction; Visualization
Dr. James Kurt Lein, Ohio University, Greece
Research Interests: Remote Sensing; GIS; Land Resources; Environmental Planning; Land Use; Spatial Analysis
Prof. Foued Benghadbane, University of Oum El Bouaghi, Algeria
Research Interests: Urban Geography; Urban Tourism; Geography of Services; Urban Environment; Transport; GIS