Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) as a Guiding Tool to Municipal Development: Insights from Dudhauli Municipality, Nepal
Several planning tools and approaches such as action plan, period plan,physical development plan have been applied for planned development for municipalities including other small and medium-sized towns of Nepal.Among them Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) is the latest approach that focuses integrated sectoral development envisioning longterm spatial development by adopting strategic actions, which is backed by lead development sectors of that town. This study is based on field level data collection through municipal and community level interactions,observation and field mapping. Dudhauli municipality, which is located in the hilly region of Bagmati province Nepal has been selected for this study, which reveals an array of diverse patterns and challenges of municipal development. Present scenario of urban growth in Dudhauli has been taking place at and around Dudhauli bazzar, Dakaha and Sirthauli area and main roadsides in the form of compact and linear development pattern in unplanned way, which has resulted increasing built-up area and decreasing agriculture land. Rapid spatial expansion of residential buildings construction and densification of built-up areas have been increased by 56% within the time period of 10 years in Dudhauli area. Consequentially, fertile agriculture land has been converted into constructional area significantly. To regulate urban development in a right direction, a planned urban development of Dudhauli is needed. IUDP, in this context would be an appropriate tool to guide as a framework of municipal development by considering vision, goals, strategies, key activities and land use zones for regulated urban development.
IUDP; Land use; Strategies; Lead sector; Infrastructure; Urban growth; SWOTReferences
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