View Vol. 1 ,  Iss. 3 (April 2019)

Journal of Oncology Research

ISSN: 2630-5267 (Online)

Vol. 1 , Iss. 3 (April 2019)

  • Reviews

    Unusual Metastases to Diaphragm and Spleen from Adenocarcinoma of Lung Detected by 18F-FDG PET/CT Imaging: A Case Report

    Anindita Rani Paul, Rajib Paul Chowdhury, Pritam Saha Podder, Umme Saoda

    Article ID: 1586    DOI:
    299  (Abstract) 123  (Download)


    Globally, carcinoma of lung is the predominant cause of cancer death
    among both men and women. While hematogenous spread from primary
    lung cancer to multiple other organs is frequently reported, metastases of
    malignant tumors to diaphragm and spleen are rare. Nowadays, Positron
    emission tomography (PET) with 18 F- fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) has
    emerged in such a way that it has become... More

  • Reviews

    Case Report: Granular Cell Tumor In Breast

    Ruiz Alcaide Estefania, López Carrizosa Maria Concepción, Gutierrez Pantoja M Aranzazu, Arriaga Piñeiro Jesus M

    Article ID: 1695    DOI:
    252  (Abstract) 127  (Download)


    Granular cell tumor (GCT) of the breast is an unusual neoplasm, tipically
    benign, it represents between 5-6% of all GCT cases. These tumors are
    more common in middle-aged premenopausal women with a greater pre
    dilection African American race [1]. Nevertheless, there are also cases de
    scribed in men [2-4]. Almost all of them are favorable, the malignant cases
    are uncommon... More

  • Articles

    Leiomyoma Of Urinary Bladder a Rare Entity: Series Of 3 Cases And Review Of Literature

    Nitesh Kumar, Karthik M, Samyuktha K, Sunil Palve, Tushar Agrawal

    Article ID: 1642    DOI:
    270  (Abstract) 149  (Download)


    Introduction: Leiomyoma of urinary bladder is a rare entity and comprises 0.43% of all bladder tumors. Here we present our series of 3 cases
    and the related review of literature. Methods: 3 cases of bladder leiomyoma presented over a period of 16 months in Osmania Medical College
    and Hospital. Detailed history was taken, physical examination, routine
    blood, urine... More

  • Articles

    Primary Malignant Melanoma of Female Urethra: A Case Report and Review of Literature

    Shashank Agrawal, Tak GR, Aditya Parikh, Arvind Prakash Ganpule, Abhishek Gajendra Singh, Ravindra Bhalchandra Sabnis, Mahesh Ramanlal Desai

    Article ID: 1975    DOI:
    286  (Abstract) 117  (Download)


    We report a very rare case report of female diagnosed with primary ma
    lignant melanoma. A 65 years old diabetic elderly postmenopausal female
    presented with a history of intermittent blood spots on undergarments for
    few days. Genital examination revealed a single, tan colored, soft chest
    nut size and polypoidal non ulcerated mass lesion protruding through the
    urethral meatus. Mass biopsy... More