Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Flexible Polyether Foam Filled with Eggshell and Groundnut Husk Powder
The study investigated the effect of eggshell and groundnut husk as fillers on flexible polyether foam. The fillers with the particle sizes of 50µm each were mixed in the ratio of 50:50. Diverse percentages of the two combined fillers ranging from 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% were incorporated into the polyether recipes in the appropriate foam formulations and foam samples were produced. The unfilled foam (0%filler) served as the standard control sample. The physico-mechanical test carried out on the foam showed increase in the properties such as density, compression set test, indentation hardness test, tensile strength test and decrease for elongation at break test as compared to the unfilled foam. The scanning electron microscopy result showed the cell sizes became smaller and concentrated with an irregular shape as the filler load increased, thereby making it denser and thicker. Eggshell and groundnut husk fillers may be used in the making of flexible polyether foam since these materials are organic in natures. They can improve the mechanical properties and biodegradability of polyurethane product. The utilization of these fillers in polymer composites productin will help in sanitizing the environment by reducing landfills and producing eco-friendly waste and also it influences cost positively.
Egg shell; groundnut husk; polyether foam; Scanning electron microscope; Mechanical properties.References
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